German dentist Dr Andreas Kurbad has been treating patients in his private practice since 1990 and serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of Computerized Dentistry. In an upcoming webinar on Tuesday, 14 April, he will demonstrate how Ivoclar Vivadent’s IvoSmile app can be applied in aesthetic dentistry and how it can be used by dentists to communicate with their patients and dental technicians. Prior to the online presentation, Kurbad answered some questions from Dental Tribune International about the app.
Dr Kurbad, how does IvoSmile work, and how does it support aesthetic dentistry? IvoSmile is an iPad-based app that uses augmented reality to create aesthetic dental makeovers in the presence of the patient. The app offers three different working modes: motivation mode, planning mode and communication mode. In motivation mode, the patient can be shown how to enhance his or her smile in real time by using the tablet’s front camera as a mirror. Thus, he or she will find it easier to decide whether he or she wants to commit time and money to the process of detailed cosmetic treatment planning. If so, the back camera, offering a higher resolution, can be used to take precise photographs and photograph sequences. These can then be modified with the help of several tools until the patient is satisfied with the appearance. The resulting visualisation can be shared with the patient, dentist and dental technician. It is even possible to share entire projects with other IvoSmile users.
During the planning period, high-quality photographs of the patient are taken. (Image: Andreas Kurbad)
What are the advantages of working with the IvoSmile app for a dentist? The IvoSmile app is easy to use and requires no additional equipment, like expensive cameras. Planning details can be communicated with the patient, the clinic team and, of course, the dental technician. In the future, there will be a direct link to the design of the final restorations.
Dr Andreas Kurbad presents a patient with her aesthetic treatment options. (Image: Andreas Kurbad)
Which features of IvoSmile can viewers of your webinar expect to learn during your presentation?
A screenshot of the IvoSmile app. (Image: Andreas Kurbad)
We will start with the installation and set-up of the app. Viewers will learn how to use IvoSmile in motivation mode and how to take good photographs, considering position and light. I will explain the different design tools and tooth databases and will demonstrate the bleaching simulation based on examples. In addition, possible risk factors will be considered. After having watched the webinar, viewers will know how to save, share and export patient cases.
Editorial note: The 1-hour webinar, titled “Next-generation smile design: Motivation, planning and communication with IvoSmile”, will be presented live on Tuesday, 14 April, at 12 p.m. CEST. Kurbad will demonstrate typical cases and invites viewers to do some simple case exercises during his presentation. For some of these exercises, it is recommended to have available an iPad (the app does not run on Android- or Windows-based devices) with the IvoSmile app installed on it. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about the topic, as well as earn a continuing education credit by answering a questionnaire after the lecture. Registration on the Ivoclar Vivadent Academyis free of charge.
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