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The Trefoil Concept: A ground breaking graftless solution introduced in India

Dr.Kenji Higuchi (Left) inventor of The Trefoil concept with Dr.Girish Rao (centre) and Dr.Anandakrishna GN at Mukha facial surgery in Bangalore, India. Picture courtesy Dr.Girish Rao

Tue. 10 April 2018


Bangalore, India: Dr. Kenji W. Higuchi introduced the Trefoil concept to the world at the Nobel Biocare Global Symposium 2016, New York. The same day rehabilitation of the edentulous mandible or a failing dentition in the mandible with a definitive implant-supported prosthesis promises to revolutionize implantology. Nearly two years and many publications later, Dr.Kenji Higuchi introduces the Trefoil concept in India in 2018.

In March 2018, Dr. Kenji Higuchi introduced in India one of the most talked about graftless solutions in recent times, the Trefoil Concept. Speaking to a gathering of expert clinicians in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, Dr. Kenji shared his fond memories of Professor Branemark with whom he worked closely on the Novum Concept , a precursor to the latest Trefoil concept.

Dr. Kenji and Dr. Giacomo Fabbri presented to clinicians various clinical scenarios and advantages of the Trefoil concept – same day rehabilitation of edentulous mandible with a definitive implant supported prosthesis.

In association with the mentors of Implant Study Group , Dr. Girish Rao and Dr. Anandakrishna GN,   Dr. Kenji and his team from Nobel Biocare demonstrated the versatility of the Trefoil concept.

Clinicians were provided an insight into the workflow of the concept along with a live surgical demo with loading of the prosthesis at Dr.Girish Rao’s implant centre, Mukha Facial Surgery in Bangalore.

Interacting with the clinicians, Dr. Kenji shared his beliefs on how the concept could benefit the edentulous population world over. He emphasized that the latest technology employed in the Trefoil concept will not only benefit the patients but will also make implantology more precise for the clinicians.

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