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Digital Dental Craftsman Convention (DDCC 2023)— huge success

The Indian Society of Digital Dentistry (ISDD) successfully organized the Digital Dental Craftsman Convention (DDCC) — a unique event where dentists and ...


Interview: "Digital Dental Craftsman Convention for lab technicians"

In this interview with Dental Tribune South Asia, Dr. Pankaj Chivte, the President of the Indian Society of Digital Dentistry (ISDD), and Dr. Vipin ...


“Digital dentistry is reshaping oral care” Dr. Muchhala

Dr. Deepak Muchhala, the Organizing Chairman, writes about the resounding success of the very first- International Digital Dentistry Congress, held on 10-11...


Interview: "eLAB helps you follow new paths; digital try-in is a game-changer" Sascha Hein

As we usher in the new year, India is on the brink of a digital dentistry revolution. With intraoral scanners becoming commonplace, we have begun ...
