DT News - India - International Osteology Symposium Barcelona 2023 to showcase hard- and soft-tissue excellence

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International Osteology Symposium Barcelona 2023 to showcase hard- and soft-tissue excellence

The International Osteology Symposium Barcelona 2023 will take place from 27 to 29 April and will feature 80 lectures and 14 workshops—pictured is the 2019 iteration of the event. (Image: Osteology Foundation)

Wed. 21 December 2022


LUCERNE, Switzerland: A stellar line-up of speakers will share their knowledge on oral tissue regeneration at next year’s International Osteology Symposium, which will take place from 27 to 29 April in Barcelona in Spain. “At no other event will you find such a wealth of expertise in the field of hard- and soft-tissue management. We are the only global specialist organisation in this field,” commented Osteology Foundation board member Dr Ronald E. Jung.

The high-calibre programme includes 80 lectures and 14 workshops under the scientific direction of Drs Pamela K. McClain and Istvan Urban. From the first congress day, participants can expect workshops presented by world-renowned experts on all areas of regeneration. On the following two days, the programme will delve into even more complex topics of hard- and soft-tissue regeneration, and participants will learn how to prevent complications and errors in demanding surgical interventions. Dr Jung stated: “A hallmark of osteology speakers is always an excellent balance between their high level of scientific knowledge and their clinical excellence. By specialising only in oral tissue regeneration, we offer a depth of scientific and clinical education that you cannot get anywhere else.”

Osteology Foundation board member Dr Ronald E. Jung. (Image: Osteology Foundation)

This unique symposium will be rounded off by two spectacular live surgical demonstrations, where participants will witness surgical excellence in action. “With all these educational forms, we cover the entire spectrum of hard- and soft-tissue management in Barcelona and give both young as well as experienced oral surgeons the opportunity to either dive into this exciting specialty or deepen their knowledge of it,” Dr Jung commented. He added, “Nothing is more inspiring than to feel the enthusiasm of top stars for their field.”

The event motto “WE ARE RE:GENERATION” reflects the foundation’s main focus on oral regeneration and, at the same time, its mission to link science with practice by gathering all of the globally available knowledge in one place and at one time.

Visit the Osteology Foundation’s website for more information about the event and to register.

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