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Nagpur hosts 40th national pedodontic conference, PEDOCON 2018

Left to right -Dr Nilesh Rathi- Organizing Secretary , Dr Hallaswamy Kambalimath, past General Secretary ISPPD, Honourable pro Chancellor of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences Dr.Vedprakash Mishra , Dr.Srinivas Nameineni , Past President ISPPD, Dr Baby John , President ISPPD, Dr Rahul Hegde, Conference Secretary, Dr Sudhindra Baliga, Organizing Chairman. Picture Courtesy ISPPD
Dental Tribune International

Dental Tribune International

Wed. 14 November 2018


Nagpur, Maharastra: The Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry (ISPPD) is a national society specifically concerned with the oral health of children in India. It aims to improve oral health in children and encourage the highest standards of clinical care. The society has been formed on the firm belief that every child has a fundamental right to his total oral health.

The department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Sharad Pawar Dental College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha hosted the 40th National Conference PEDOCON from 23rd to 26th October 2018 at Nagpur, Maharashtra.

The event commenced with five pre-conference courses conducted by the pioneers in the field of pediatric dentistry at VSPM Dental College and SDK Dental College, which was attended by  500 students and faculty delegates. 1000 paper and poster presentations from the student and faculty delegates were witnessed at the scientific session which was in fact the heart of the event.

The inauguration was held on 24th of October 2018 in the august presence of Honourable Chancellor Dr. Vedprakash Mishra at Vasantrao Deshpande Hall. The function was presided over by the ISPPD President Dr. Srinivas Namineni , Dr.Sudhindra Baliga the Vice Dean , Sharad Pawar Dental College and the organizing chairman, Dr. Rahul Hegde conference secretary and Dr. Nilesh Rathi was the organizing secretary.

Various international speakers from Russia, Dubai, Malaysia and Singapore shared their knowledge and experience with the delegates to build a better oral health arena.

The ultimate aim of conducting this conference was fulfilled as it provided the opportunity to keynote speakers, young researchers and students to showcase their research work and knowledge in a technical way, disseminate knowledge and create awareness in maintaining and improving the oral health of children.


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