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ITI Congress India 2019 is poised to become the largest implant meeting ever: Dr Nikhil Deshpande

ITI Congress India 2019 is poised to be the largest implant meeting ever: Dr Nikhil Deshpande (photograph: ITI India)
Rajeev Chitguppi, Dental Tribune South Asia

Rajeev Chitguppi, Dental Tribune South Asia

Sat. 7 September 2019


The International Team of Implantology ITI Congress India 2019 presents an excellent opportunity to listen to the global leaders in implantology - Stephen Chen, Urs Belser, Daniel Buser, Niklaus Lang, Christoph Hammerle, Daniel Thoma, David Cochran, Matteo Chiapasco and many more. The 2-day event is going to be held on 5/6 Oct 2019 in Mumbai. Dr Nikhil Deshpande, who is a part of the Leadership Team of the ITI India Section, explains how, apart from clinicians, this international conference is going to be a great opportunity for the academicians, and even the interns and PG students.

What are the highlights of the upcoming ITI conference?

The ITI Congress India 2019 in Mumbai is going to be the Inaugural ITI India National Congress. For the very first time, the International Team for Implantology and the Indian Dental Association have teamed up together to organise this state of the art event on 5-6th October 2019 in Mumbai at the Sahara Star, which will validate all the contemporary techniques in Implantology and offer directions for its future.

The Conference Theme is 'Faster, Safer, Stronger - Strategies for Success'.

The Congress will highlight how clinicians will be able to reduce the treatment time associated with Implantology and offer safe, i.e. evidence-based treatment plans which will, in turn, result in robust long term solutions for the patients.

The conference website is

Who are the speakers to watch out for?

The Congress will feature the most respected and sought-after educators in the field of Implantology.

Dr Daniel Buser, Dr Urs Belser, Dr David Cochran and the current President of the ITI Dr Stephen Chen are scheduled to present years of clinical research and evidence that will offer a new direction in Implantology particularly the way it is practised in India.

Dr Christoph Hammerle and Dr Daniel Thoma from the University of Zurich will present Digital Solutions and the use of Soft Tissue Substitutes in Implantology, respectively.

So, on the one hand, we will see renewed evidence for the techniques we have been practising so far with tips and tricks to deliver quicker but safer results and on the other hand we will be introduced to newer generation, technology-based solutions which improve patient comfort and acceptance and continue to have the advantages of the conventional approach.

To learn more about the speakers click here

How can this conference be of great help to the PG students in India?

If I were a PG student attending this event, I would be looking out for the quality and precise clinical relevance of the research being presented by some of the leading academicians and researchers in the field of Implantology.

These guys literally wrote the rules of the game, if I may say so, be it the Pink and White Esthetic Score Index, The Guided Bone Regeneration Protocols and its likes.

I can assure that all the PGs attending the Congress will be inspired to actively pursue clinical research in Implantology or allied fields and some of them will likely get the opportunity to benefit from the ITI Research Scholarships.

The ITI, through its Scholarship Program, is actively committed to funding research, which has led to the vast evidence base that supports the clinical solutions outlined in its globally acclaimed series of ITI Treatment Guides.

The Congress will feature a Scientific Poster Presentation Competition for the PGs. We have reviewed and short-listed over 75 Posters from the 200 plus posters received, which will be judged by some of these eminent speakers and members of the ITI Education and Research Committee.

To know more about the poster competition: Click here

How can interns from various dental colleges in India make use of this international event?

Basic fundamental principles related to the practice of any science are best understood in our early years with the mind eager to receive and imbibe information. The interns, therefore, stand to benefit the most. Implants are now an active part of General Dental Practice. Unfortunately, Implantology is not yet a part of the Undergraduate Program at Indian Universities.

The Congress will provide a platform for these young minds to set a path either through aspirations of pursuing Post Graduate Programs and seeking education through the ITI Curriculum to be able to practice Oral Implantology in the future successfully.

After all, a young and restless mind needs only direction, and who could be better than these experienced educators to show them that path.

Interns get a student discount: Click here to know more

How will this event benefit the academicians in Indian dental colleges who are looking for conducting high-quality research in Implantology?

Each speaker in this Congress is an academician. I believe this is a unique attraction for the academicians from India to attend and benefit from, to witness live and in person the people, whose work we have all followed and built upon in our journey in Implantology. It is truly an excellent opportunity to witness the nuances in the works of these talented and dedicated clinicians who are also teachers.

Finally, I believe every lecture offers some tips and tricks in every day clinical practice and also inspires innovation in academic minds. I am sure all teachers and educators will agree and take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity to also socially interact with these great minds.

To know more about the event mail to

Dr Nikhil, how are you a part of this event?

I have the privilege to be a part of the Leadership Team of the ITI India Section and the responsibility of the Communications Officer.

Dr Nikhil Deshpande

I serve alongside three other Educators, viz. Dr Mohit Kheur, Dr Rakshith Hegde and Dr Anand Krishnamurthy, all of who share with me the honour of actively organising and executing this Congress along with the IDA-Head Office under the able guidance of Dr Ashok Dhoble.

I must emphasise that the Implant Community in India is about to witness a Scientific Extravaganza like never before.

The excitement is palpable and at the risk of sounding premature, may I say it is poised to be the largest implant meeting ever, thanks to the enthusiasm of all involved and the incredible response we have received so far.

What are your future plans with ITI in India?

The ITI Leadership Team believes in India's demographic dividend. Our confidence lies in the young minds of our profession to carry forward the Implant Education and Clinical Practice Philosophies of the ITI. We are heavily invested in the Education and Research fields globally and hope to see the same take effect in India.

Some of our plans for the future include:
A. The ITI Curriculum which will provide a structured, standardised and globally acclaimed course in Implantology at the Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced Levels. We already have over 60 Clinicians who have qualified through this course and benefitted from it in just the last year.
B. The ITI Study Clubs, which are groups of 20-25 clinicians who come together four times a year to discuss, learn and share experiences in everyday implant practice, have been the backbone of the ITI philosophy. This will be funded directly by the ITI and also supported scientifically through active participation of Mentors and ITI Speakers at these meetings. We currently have 14 such Study Clubs across the country and hope to see 16 more in the coming year.
C. ITI Scholarships will be introduced through a University Outreach Program, and we hope to see many more applications and ITI Scholars from India.
D. The YOUNG ITI Team will soon be in place which will conceive, organise, and conduct nationwide programs keeping in mind the requirements of the young implantologist. And by young, we mean young in Implant Practice, not in age.

With the memberships growing faster than in any other ITI section worldwide, we are confident that the ITI Mission to create a network of dedicated clinicians to spread the knowledge in Implantology will also be realised here in India.

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