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Precision dentistry & artificial intelligence: a symbiotic revolution

The fusion of precision dentistry and artificial intelligence (AI) will create a new era of individualized and technologically sophisticated dental treatments. (Photo: Canva).

Since its inception, dentistry has progressed beyond traditional approaches to embrace innovative technologies that improve accuracy, efficiency, and patient results (1). As the two groundbreaking technologies – Precision Dentistry and Artificial Intelligence (AI) merge, they create a new era of individualized and technologically sophisticated dental treatment. It is a combination of data and algorithms that can provide personalized care for oral health. As rightly said by Prof. Judea Pearl “Data do not understand causes and effects; humans do.”

What is precision dentistry?

Precision dentistry, often synonymous with personalized dentistry, represents a paradigm shift from the past one-size-fits-all approach (2). It involves tailoring dental treatments to the individual needs of each patient, taking advantage of the unique genetic makeup of the patient, oral health history, and other factors. This approach enables dental professionals to provide highly targeted and effective interventions, minimizing unnecessary procedures, and maximizing results.

Predictive diagnostics are essential for precision dentistry. Dentists can identify potential problems before they appear clinically using modern imaging and genetic analysis methods. This method not only minimizes disease progression but also allows early intervention, resulting in less intrusive and more conservative therapies.

The rise of artificial intelligence in dentistry:

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a transformative force in various industries, including dentistry. When applied in dentistry, AI has the potential to revolutionize the delivery and management of dental care.

AI's applications in dentistry are broad and varied. One of its primary functions is diagnostic. AI-powered imaging analysis based on deep vision can quickly and accurately identify oral health issues from X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, and other images (3). These systems can detect caries, periodontal diseases, and oral cancers at an early stage, allowing timely intervention.

Furthermore, AI helps in treatment planning by analyzing enormous amounts of patient data to recommend the most suitable treatment option for a particular individual. This not only reduces the burden on dental professionals but also enhances treatment accuracy and patient satisfaction.

The synergy between precision dentistry and artificial intelligence:

The amalgamation of precision dentistry and AI is where innovation occurs. AI's ability to analyze and interpret huge datasets complements precision dentistry's focus on individualized care. Together, they create a symbiotic relationship that amplifies the potential for improved patient outcomes.

1. Improved diagnostics

AI algorithms excel in pattern recognition, making them ideal for identifying subtle anomalies like dental caries in dental images and radiographs(4) that might be missed by the human eye. This aids in the early detection of dental issues, enabling timely intervention and prevention of disease progression.

2. Personalized treatment plans

Precision dentistry is based on the concept of tailoring treatment to each patient's unique characteristics. AI improves this by analyzing large databases of patient information to recommend the most effective treatment plans based on factors such as genetics, medical history, and lifestyle.

3. Predictive maintenance

Incorporating AI into dental practice management systems can lead to more efficient clinical operations. AI algorithms can predict equipment maintenance needs and ensure that dental tools are in optimal working condition. This predictive maintenance prevents unexpected breakdowns and minimizes disruptions in patient care.

4. Patient engagement

AI-powered gadgets can provide control over oral health. Mobile apps, such as the Oral B iO app (5) and virtual assistants can provide individualized oral hygiene advice, track brushing and flossing habits, and remind patients of impending appointments (6). This level of participation develops a sense of ownership and alertness toward oral health.

5. Research and development

Artificial intelligence-driven dentistry research is accelerating the development of new materials, treatments, and technologies. AI accelerates the process of uncovering innovations that can transform the future of dental care by evaluating vast data sets and modeling treatment results.

Challenges ahead:

Several challenges need to be addressed as promising as the fusion of precision dentistry and AI.

1. Data privacy and security

The integration of AI requires access to enormous amounts of patient data. Ensuring the privacy and security of such data is paramount. Striking a balance between data use to improve patient care and safeguarding patient confidentiality is crucial. (7)

2. Compliance with law and regulations

Dental practice must navigate through a maze of regulations when implementing AI systems. These systems must comply with standards set by medical and dental regulatory bodies to ensure patient safety and ethical use following HIPAA laws. (8)

3. Education and training

Dental professionals must be trained to effectively use AI-powered tools and interpret their outputs. Incorporating AI into dental curricula and providing continuous training opportunities will be vital to harnessing its full potential (9).

4. Cost implications

Integrating AI systems can involve significant upfront costs from acquiring technology to training staff. Dental practices, especially smaller ones, must carefully evaluate the return on investment to justify these expenses.

The road ahead:

Precision dentistry, powered by AI, promises a paradigm shift in oral healthcare. As AI technologies advance, they become more accessible and sophisticated, boosting their incorporation into dentistry. The future offers AI-powered robotic helpers conducting difficult dental procedures with exceptional precision and efficiency, as well as treatment programs that are not only individualized but also optimized for long-term success.

Dentistry's path into precision and AI-driven care has been nothing short of amazing. It has the potential to reshape oral health outcomes, making dental visits more comfortable, treatment more effective, and smiling brighter than ever before. As these two disciplines continue to combine and communicate, patients and practitioners alike will realize the benefits of this extraordinary symbiotic relationship.


1. Agrawal P, Nikhade P. Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: Past, Present, and Future. Cureus. 2022 Jul 28;14(7): e27405. doi: 10.7759/cureus.27405. PMID: 36046326; PMCID: PMC9418762.

2. Schwendicke F, Krois J. Precision dentistry-what it is, where it fails (yet), and how to get there. Clin Oral Investig. 2022 Apr;26(4):3395-3403. doi: 10.1007/s00784-022-04420-1. Epub 2022 Mar 14. PMID: 35284954; PMCID: PMC8918420.

3. Chen YW, Stanley K, Att W. Artificial intelligence in dentistry: current applications and future perspectives. Quintessence Int. 2020;51(3):248-257. doi: 10.3290/j.qi. a43952. Erratum in: Quintessence Int. 2020;51(5):430. PMID: 32020135.

4. Patil S, Albogami S, Hosmani J, Mujoo S, Kamil MA, Mansour MA, Abdul HN, Bhandi S, Ahmed SSSJ. Artificial Intelligence in the Diagnosis of Oral Diseases: Applications and Pitfalls. Diagnostics (Basel). 2022 Apr 19;12(5):1029. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics12051029. PMID: 35626185; PMCID: PMC9139975.

5 Ralf Adam, Introducing the Oral-B iO electric toothbrush: next generation oscillating-rotating technology, International Dental Journal, (2020) doi.org/10.1111/idj.12570

6. Richardson, J.P., Smith, C., Curtis, S. et al. Patient apprehensions about the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare. npj Digit. Med. 4, 140 (2021). doi.org/10.1038/s41746-021-00509-1

7. Murdoch, B. Privacy, and artificial intelligence: challenges for protecting health information in a new era. BMC Med Ethics 22, 122 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-021-00687-3

8. Kaurani P, Batra K, Rathore Hooja H, Chander NG, Bhowmick A, Arora S, Baba SM, Khateeb SU, Abdulla AM, Grover V, Saluja P. Assessing the Compliance of Dental Clinicians towards Regulatory Infection Control Guidelines Using a Newly Developed Survey Tool: A Pilot Cross-Sectional Study in India. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 Sep 26;10(10):1877. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10101877. PMID: 36292324; PMCID: PMC9601445.

9. Kim CS, Samaniego CS, Sousa Melo SL, Brachvogel WA, Baskaran K, Rulli D. Artificial intelligence (A.I.) in dental curricula: Ethics and responsible integration. J Dent Educ. 2023 Jul 25. doi: 10.1002/jdd.13337. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37489621.

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