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Gum Health Day 2022 focuses on new guidelines for periodontal disease prevention and treatment

BRUSSELS, Belgium/BIRMINGHAM, UK: Treat your gums” is the slogan for Gum Health Day 2022, a worldwide awareness campaign organised by the European ...


Study finds modest association between periodontitis and low levels of vitamin D

OTTAWA, Ontario, Canada: There is sufficient scientific evidence that shows why vitamin D is essential to the body’s proper functioning. The vitamin is ...


Study identifies gingival cells that can protect against periodontitis.

PHILADELPHIA, U.S./CHENGDU, China: Periodontitis remains the sixth most prevalent infectious disease worldwide, and the most common cause of tooth loss ...


Family characteristics affect the periodontal diseases in children and adolescents

BRISBANE, Australia: We have enough literature to demonstrate an association between dental caries and family characteristics. However, the same is not ...


Allogenic stem cells – a faster and cheaper method to treat periodontitis

SENDAI, Japan: Periodontitis is a common oral disease that affects the oral health of many people with serious effects. A new research from Japan proposes a...
