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8th ACDI conference— huge success

The 8th annual conference of the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry India (ACDI), an affiliate of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), held from ...


Polychromatic Layering Technique (PLT)—full protocol: a case report

Vanini described an anatomical stratification technique that goes beyond the typical three dimensions (hue, chroma, value) of color. The technique, ...


Smylist conducts first International Smylist Conference

The first International Smylist Conference was successfully conducted on 5 and 6 November in Hyderabad, India.


Smile makeover with composite veneers using injection moulding - Dr. Stephen D'souza

Direct composite veneers are an excellent choice of treatment for aesthetic concerns. They are minimally invasive, have superior aesthetics, and are not as ...


Front wing technique for direct diastema closures - Dr. Nisha Deshpande

Diastema Closure with direct composites is one of the most minimally invasive and often performed procedures in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. Yet, it...


A minimally invasive smile makeover: an orthodontic-restorative approach.

Smile makeovers can be life-changing, but it requires adequate planning, with an end goal in mind. With advancements in adhesive dentistry, being minimally ...


Correction of a Reverse Smile Line – Turning back the clock!

Smile Designing doesn’t always have to be about elaborate, extensive and invasive procedures but just sometimes routine procedures done with adherence to ...


An interview with Dr. Maria Csillag (Budapest) - the creator of Smylist®

Dr. Maria Csillag is the inventor, chief instructor, and owner of Smylist® Ltd. Dr. Maria’s key achievements include the development of the Smylist® ...
