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8th ACDI conference— huge success

The 8th annual conference of the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry India (ACDI), an affiliate of The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD), held from ...


“Impart Edu Symposium” elevates science beyond boundaries

Impart Education celebrated the completion of its 12-year journey with its symposium themed “Shaping Dentistry: Current Trends and Insights” which was a...


Polychromatic Layering Technique (PLT)—full protocol: a case report

Vanini described an anatomical stratification technique that goes beyond the typical three dimensions (hue, chroma, value) of color. The technique, ...


Midline diastema closure with direct composites

A report published in the Journal of American Dental Association (JADA) estimates that around 1.6% to 25.4% of adults from various age groups and ...


Hyaluronic acid fillers: Can fuller lips be too full?

MARINGÁ, Brazil: Lips come in many shapes and sizes, but fuller lips are often seen as a physical representation of youth and beauty. To that end, ...


Integrating digital smile design into the analogue aesthetic workflow

Achieving a successful outcome in aesthetic dentistry can be a formidable challenge for all dental practitioners, regardless of their experience level. The ...


Straumann to host virtual biomaterials symposium next week

Straumann, one of the leading companies in implant dentistry, will be holding the Global Straumann Biomaterials Virtual Symposium to foster clinical ...


Digital tools to improve shade selection

Dentistry is adopting computer technology & newer digital tools in multiple areas, including shade matching to minimize or eliminate human errors. ...


Smile makeover with composite veneers using injection moulding - Dr. Stephen D'souza

Direct composite veneers are an excellent choice of treatment for aesthetic concerns. They are minimally invasive, have superior aesthetics, and are not as ...


One step closer to nature: Occlusal concepts and sophisticated aesthetics in digital dentistry

A dental restoration is not just an aesthetic restoration; it must fulfil many more requirements and integrate perfectly into the existing system. In this ...


Interview: Clinical acumen critical for treatment success despite digital disruption - Dr. Prashant Hatkar

Dr. Prashant Hatkar MDS (Cons & Endo), Accredited Member, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD); Certified Member, European Society of Cosmetic ...


LM Arte Solo Anterior Composite Sculpting Instrument - Aesthetic Dentistry Review (Feb 2022)

Composite sculpting instruments are a daily need and requirement for restorative dentists. This article reviews one instrument you might want to have in ...


Interview: "eLAB helps you follow new paths; digital try-in is a game-changer" Sascha Hein

As we usher in the new year, India is on the brink of a digital dentistry revolution. With intraoral scanners becoming commonplace, we have begun ...


Interview: “Once people use this method, they don’t go back to other techniques”

Dr. Nisha Damle Deshpande interviews Dr. Jordi P. Manauta of Style Italiano for their front-wing technique developed for diastema closure with direct ...


Front wing technique for direct diastema closures - Dr. Nisha Deshpande

Diastema Closure with direct composites is one of the most minimally invasive and often performed procedures in aesthetic and restorative dentistry. Yet, it...


Functional aesthetic speech therapy: Synergy between dentistry and aesthetic medicine?

Aesthetic medicine is increasingly taking on a global connotation of harmony and balance, defined certainly by historically evolved and shared canons, but ...


Does soft tissue augmentation hold up long term? Clinical tips from the past decade

In this editorial, Dr. Neel Bhatavadekar briefly outlines the long-term comparison between two main techniques for soft tissue grafting: tunneling vs. ...


DSD has evolved from a technique into a philosophy of modern esthetic rehab clinics - Dr Coachman

Christian Coachman, the founder, and CEO of the Digital Smile Design (DSD) company, is well-known for combining his advanced skills, experience, and ...


A minimally invasive smile makeover: an orthodontic-restorative approach.

Smile makeovers can be life-changing, but it requires adequate planning, with an end goal in mind. With advancements in adhesive dentistry, being minimally ...


Use of antibacterial nanoparticles to prolong the life of dental restorations

OAK RIDGE, Tenn., U.S.: To address the issue of dental restoration failures, researchers have started studying how nanoparticles with antibacterial ...


Bringing anterior direct composite restorations to life with histologic layering protocols

Composite resin is a material that is able to mimic natural tooth structure, its optical properties and aesthetics. Often due to trauma or caries, the ...


Keys to predictable posterior restorations: Bulkfill and modern matrix systems

One of the biggest complaints we face in Class 2 type restorations is food impaction due to improper contacts. When we used the matrix systems meant for ...
